Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Ross Lovegrove: The power and beauty of organic design

URL: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sWqkKYwvTNw

I admire the passion of Ross Lovergrove has in the beauty of organic desgin. In the video, he said his office is like a natural history museum + design work place. It's very interesting that he gets inspiration from skeletal structures like dinosaurse bones to design elegant chairs. Also the bone structual and cell structual photos he showed were quite inspiring. The form of those natural things really is beautiful and has its own unique elegance. After seeing the video, I;m interested in seeing more of his works.

I also agree with him that companies should start looking into organic and sustainable design, as it opens up a lot possibilities. Like organic forms, shapes, materials.

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Project 1 - Experience Enrichment

The poster & 4 pleasure analysis
The mood board
POWER CLOUD's target market is young office ladies. This group of young women is new to office life, apart from work, they have to to hang out with friends, spend time with family, may still have to study, or some may already have kids to take care. So they are a group thats quite stressful and lack of sleep. POWER CLOUD is a cushion different from others, specially designed for this group of young office ladies to have some quality sleep during their break time.
Theres a pocket at the back of the cushion for you to put your hand in to sleep with. With this, when you're deep in sleep, you cushion won't slip out of your hand. Yet, give you a better support. Moreover, inside the pocket, the top layer is fluffier that the botton. Cause when you're asleep, you hand might sweat. Sweaty hands and fluffy fabric just dont match, do they? The spiral shape at the front of the cushion is made of very soft, cotton fabric. Also, the spiral shape is designed to support your neck comfortablly. It forms a nest shape, that makes you want to put your head on it whenever you see it.

Yves Behar: Designing Objects that Tell Stories

URL: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QGn8F4j6pH8

In my opinion, this video is important for designers, because Behar used various design projects to show that design isn't just about styling, creating something that simply look beautiful. Rather it should be combining the stories into design, adding values for the product to be exsist.

Both the Y water and the $100 laptop have a reason for them to exsist. The Y water is to promote healthy drinking for kids, to keep them away from soft drinks. The shape of the bottle is very organic and pleasing, also the bottle can actually turn into toys afterwards. Turning the bottle into a collactable toy is really a good reason for kids to keep drinking that drink. As for the $100 laptop, its purpose is to promote educating with technology for the poor children. 'one laptop per children', to design low cost laptops for poor children is such a meaningful thing to design. It's not just about enhancing pleasure for users, but its to provide them things that they dont have before.

I agree with him that, design is not just about styling, but to connect to people and designing products that have values are more meaningful.

Don Norman: Emotional Design

URL: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RlQEoJaLQRA

In this video, Don Norman is telling designers to design things thats not just functional, but pretty as well. As he said, people used to say "norman is ok. but if you followed what he said, everything would be usable but it would be ugly." He then explained how adding emotion to design make things so different. "When you're happy, you're more creative." It is so true that psychology affects alot on how we choose to buy something. He said "I dont know what it is, but i want it." This kind of thoughts always appears in our minds, when we saw something that looks unsual, fun and eye catching.

Norman then moved on to explain the 3 ways of thinking to deisgn an emotional product:

The visual appearance of a product is the first impression that gives consumers. As we all make assumptions subconsciously, a very appealing visual appearance will attracts us to look furthur into it. It may also a major factor that causes us want to buy it. Again, like what Norman said "I dont know what it is, but i want it." Humans are built in brains to like things that appeals to them.

This is depends on the product if it's designed user friendly. If the user can control the product confidently. Behavioural experience is achieved through how the product intereacts with each individuals, so it must be thoughtfully through how the user will want to use without knowing anything about the product.

It's a subconscious analysis on whether the user will like the product or not. It's about the image that the society gives the product, not necessary the actual product. Which also means, a successful design is not just about functional, asthetic, emotion, but it's also about the connection with the society, with the people.

This video really opened up my mind on designing a product. Designing is not simply just to design something new, but it's to design things that we live with, that can bring fun and convenience to the world. Psychology is also another to look into when designing things.