Aging population. And the government are spending a lot on medical needs for elderly people.
According to Food and Drug Administration and research,
People over the age of 65 are the largest group that requires medications.
"Of all the problems older people face in taking medication, drug interactions are possibly the most dangerous. When two or more drugs are mixed in the body, they may interact with each other and produce uncomfortable or even dangerous side effects. This is especially a problem for older people because they are much more likely to take more than one drug."
According to research, the average numbers of medication a person aged over
"The average older person is taking more than four prescription medications at once plus two over-the-counter medications"
An inconvenient truth is a movie of America’s former vice president Al Gore, presenting to us the real truth about global warming.
Ive always known about global warming, always known we must start doing something now. But... only after watching this movie, it truly hitted me that, global warming IS HAPPENING and its happening real fast! Never knew that carbon emission data collection started 70 years ago, and data shows, numbers just kept rising and rising. Scientists had been warming the society about all this for so many years, yet still nothing has done or changed. What are we humans thinking and doing?
From the movie, we learned that only 2 big countries in the world are not listed in the kyoto protocal treaty, an international treaty that aimed to control the emission of greenhouse gases which are causing the climate change. The 2 countries are the United states and Australia!
The animation that showed polar bears for the very first time get drowned and died cause of not able to find ice blocks to land on, gave me huge impact for some unknown reason. I find it really sad to know that every little things we do daily are harming our world largely bit by bit. And when everything adds up, ice blocks melt, temperature rises, polar bears drown, species extincts, diseases develop and so on and on, that everything will soon come to an end. And it is going to be a horrible ending.
And for us, design students, i think its a very important and serious wake up call. For us to understand and take action to do something for our world. In the world of resources running out and material prodcut overload, I truly think rather than designing more stuff that will only end up in the landfill, we should instead design products to help the problem. Let it be recycling or actual something that solves global warming. Because if everyone of us start doing something now, it will make a huge difference!
“Each one of us is a cause of global warming, but each one of us has the choices to change that.” --- Al Gore.